How to read Coral's books for free
(or for less)
Are you looking for ways to read my books at a lower price point?
There are a few options for that:
All of my books are available to order in paperback at your local library. You can search online for the name of your library and the words purchase request to find their form for asking them to carry a title for you.
All of my books are available on the Libby app, which uses your library card to access eBooks and audiobooks through your local library. Just like the paper option, you may have to request them.​
Subscribe to Kobo Plus or Scribd. All of my books are available on both of those services. While there is a cost associated, you can read as many books as you like each month for that smaller recurring fee. (My books are not available on Kindle Unlimited because they require exclusivity to their platform and I would rather my books be available everywhere.)
Follow me on Bookbub. I discount my books at retailers a few times a year. Whenever I have a sale on one of my books, you'll get an email notification from Bookbub to make sure you don't miss out on the best deals.
If you are experiencing financial hardship and can't use one of these other methods but would like to read my books, please reach out to me via my contact form. ​I will do my best to find a solution for you.
I do not advise downloading my books from unlicensed sources. Many of these sites aim to compromise your device by having you download files or click links.​